- Michelle Blanc, M.Sc. commerce électronique. Marketing Internet, consultante, conférencière, auteure. 18 ans d'expérience - https://www.michelleblanc.com -

Médias traditionnels et blogues

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Dans le courriel promo d’eMarketer d’aujourd’hui on parle de l’utilisation des blogues par les grands médias américains. Les chiffres qu’on y présente contrastent avec d’autres chiffres d’années passées [2]. Ils citent entre autres the BivingsReport [3] et on remarque que plusieurs fonctionnalités Web 2.0 sont maintenant courantes dans les médias de nos voisins :

• The use of RSS increased in 2007 by 21 percent since 2006. Now 96 of the papers we researched are using this technology. Within this group, 93 papers offer partial text feeds, while three offer full text RSS feeds. No papers have begun embedding advertisements in their RSS feeds.
• Ninety-two percent of America’s top 100 papers now offer video on their websites. This represents a significant jump from 2006, where just 61 percent offered video. In this group, there is a mixture of local, Associated Press, and original content available on newspaper websites. Thirty-nine papers offer original content, 26 use AP video streams, 13 offer video content from local news outlets, four papers use all three technologies, and 10 papers use a mixture of two different types of video.
• The number and quality of reporter blogs also improved in 2007. Now, 95 percent of papers offer at least one reporter blog. Ninety-three percent (88 papers) of these blogs allow comments. In 2006, 80 percent of the papers offered blogs, with 83 percent (67 papers) allowing comments.
• One-third of newspapers now allow comments on articles. This represents a 14% improvement on 2006 statistics, when only 19 percent of papers allowed comments on articles.
• The number of papers requiring registration increased by six percent from last year’s results. Twenty-nine percent of the nation’s top 100 papers now require users to register before gaining full access to their website. Of this group, three papers required a paid subscription, while 26 papers required free registration.

L’étude complete de Bivingsreport American Newspapers and the internet : Threat or opportunity? [4] (PDF)

Cependant, eMarketer amoindrit l’impact des blogues [5] comme source potentielle de nouvelles.

In a survey of US journalists by PR Week, PR Newswire and Millward Brown, 57.7% of respondents said they used blogs to measure sentiment, and 51% used them to gauge how their competitors were covering stories. Fewer journalists—less than 30% of respondents—used blogs as a mechanism to dig up sources.
Other research confirms the relative lack of importance of blogs as a hard-news medium. A survey conducted by Synovate for the Marin Association of REALTORS found that only 3.9% of US adult consumers regarded blogs as a news source. This response rate put blogs squarely at the bottom of the list in that study.

Disons que j’ai de gros doutes là-dessus. Surtout si on compare ça avec d’autres sondages de février [6] de cette année…