- Michelle Blanc, M.Sc. commerce électronique. Marketing Internet, consultante, conférencière, auteure. 18 ans d'expérience - https://www.michelleblanc.com -

Les étudiants américains utilisent peu le courriel

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Il y a quelques mois, je prédisais la disparition progressive du courriel au profit de la messagerie instantanée [2]. Évidemment, dans les commentaires, certaines entreprises de marketing par courriel n’étaient pas de mon avis. Malheureusement pour eux, des chiffres d’eMarketer [3]viennent corroborer mes élucubrations visionnaires. Ainsi, 6 étudiants sur 10 ne lisent jamais ou presque jamais les courriels publicitaires qu’ils reçoivent.

More than six out of 10 US high school and college students surveyed ‘never’ or ‘hardly ever’ read marketing e-mails, according to an October 2008 survey by eROI. The majority of respondents said companies were not effectively speaking to them personally through e-mail.
But e-mailing is hardly dead among students. Although texting was named as the favorite way to communicate by the largest percentage of respondents, e-mail was second, cited by 26% of students.
(…) Together, the studies point out that students have no problem with e-mail per se, but have no interest at all in irrelevant marketing messages.
