Accueil / Le meilleur papier scientifique de MCETECH 2006

Le meilleur papier scientifique de MCETECH 2006

Comme dans plusieurs conférences scientifiques internationales, les différents chercheurs qui sont présents proposent un document de recherche qui se retrouve en compétition avec ceux des pairs. Il s’agit en fait d’une sorte de concours présidé par un comité scientifique. Le comité de MCETECH 2006, est constitué d’une quarantaine d’experts, provenant de quatre continents issus tant des laboratoires universitaires que de l’industrie (Cisco, Électricité de France, Entrust, France Télécom, IBM, Sun Microsystems).

Les délibérations du comité ont permis de sélectionner le meilleur document scientifique de la conférence et c’est Monsieur Philippe Deschênes de Mediagrif Interactive Technologies qui a eu l’insigne honneur de remporter le prix du meilleur papier scientifique. Ce papier « Presentation of Various B2B Business Models, Case Studies » (PDF) est en fait, une récapitulation de l’expérience des marchés verticaux B2B qu’a vécue l’un des fleurons des entreprises technologiques québécoises, Médiagrif.

Abstract—Over the years, the Internet has become more and more present in commerce and industry. During this time, many sectors of the industry embraced the Web and professional buyers, sellers and brokers started using new tools to conduct their business. This endorsement led to the creation of communities relying on a Web hub to communicate, as well as to exchange goods, services and critical business information – hence the emergence of electronic networks. Various business models were introduced to serve these industries and build these
networks. Their respective communities of users, along with technology providers, carved these networks. As a result, many forms of business models emerged. Some of them evolved into mature markets while others were being created. During the process, several challenges were faced. Amongst them: Creating a critical mass of users, operating the networks, getting to know the targeted industries, all the while maintaining a strong, reliable and competitive technology framework.

Mediagrif is celebrating a decade of Electronic Commerce enablement and has acquired a unique experience in this field. This paper presents an overview of some of these business models, through case studies, and attempts to shed some light on the challenges that were encountered.


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