MCETECH 2008, 3rd Montreal Conference on eTechnology, la 3e conférence Montréalaise des technologies numériques auras lieu les 23,24 et 25 janvier prochain (2008). Si vous êtes un chercheur ou un praticien des technologies numériques, un appel à contribution scientifique et/ou étude de cas est lancé. Vous pouvez soumettre vos papiers et prendre connaissance des critères de soumissions en visitant le site de Entre-temps, voici les détails (qui seront traduits en français sous peu)
The Internet pervades many of the activities of modern societies and has become the preferred medium for the delivery of information and services. The successful implementation of Internet applications, ranging from eBusiness, to eEducation or to eGovernment, is a multi-faceted problem, involving technological, managerial, economic, and legal issues. This conference aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners interested in exploring the many facets of Internet applications and technologies, with a focus on the technological, managerial, and organisational issues. Original and inter-disciplinary approaches to these problems are highly encouraged. Authors focusing on the technological aspects are encouraged to highlight economic, managerial, or organizational implications of their work. Conversely, authors focusing on the economic, managerial, or organizational aspects are encouraged to highlight the technological dimension. The conference also includes an industrial track, providing a forum for practitioners to present problems and case studies of the uses of Internet technologies in their business.
MCETECH2008 will feature a special track on open-source software for e-businesss, which brings an additional twist to the usual technical, organizational, and regulatory aspects of e-business. We also welcome contributions that deal with the extent to which open-source e-business software helps bridge the digital divide that exists between developed and developing countries.
The program committee will award a Best Paper Award to the best paper in terms of, 1) originality, 2) presentation, and 3) impact. The finalists shall be submitted to a special issue of a referreed journal. Members of the program committee will shepherd these papers through the review process.All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Submissions are invited in the areas mentioned in the following non-exhaustive list:
-Inter-organizational processes
Organizational transformation
Inter-organizational workflow
Process modeling languages (syntax, semantics, validation)
Process adaptation (methods, tools)Electronic marketplaces
Business models
Business service registries (standards, semantics, software tools)
Electronic auctions (models, tools)
E-negotiations (models, tools)Web services
Service compositions (On line and Off line)
Service-oriented architectures
Methodologies and Tools
ValidationSecurity and trust
Legal issues
Privacy and data protection
Identity theft
Access control (methods, languages and architecture)Middleware and infrastructure services
Novel deployment technologies
Distributed transactions (long transactions, compensation processes, etc.)
Telecommunication services
Network management
Internet-based collaborative workOpen source software for e-business
Technical issues (security, interoperability, standards conformance)
Organizational and regulatory issues (trust, reporting, etc.)
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