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Second Life, next generation

Dans un article de National Geographic qui parle de Second Life, une idée lancée par Jerry Paffendorf un futuriste de the Electric Sheep Company, nous donne un aperçu de ce que pourrait être le Second Life Next generation. Imaginez un mash-up de SL et de Google Earth?

And as new members populate Second Life and its geographic boundaries expand, Paffendorf sees an intriguing possibility: a technological pairing with the 3-D globe software Google Earth to develop a video-game version of the planet.

« You could walk down a city street in virtual Manhattan as an avatar with information rising out of tops of buildings, just like in Google Earth, » Paffendorf said.

Such an effort’s final goal, he notes, would be to have an online network of 3-D environments to which people can add content.

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