Accueil / L’OCDE étudie le contenu généré utilisateur

L’OCDE étudie le contenu généré utilisateur

L’OCDE dans sa version anglophone OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), vient de publier PARTICIPATIVE WEB: USER-CREATED CONTENT (PDF). Ce document contient une foule de pistes intéressantes pour ceux qui anticipent les changements qu’apporte le Web 2.0, aux modèles d’affaires, à la chaîne de valeurs et aux impacts culturels et économiques que cette révolution engendre.

The concept of the “participative web” is based on an Internet increasingly influenced by intelligent web services that empower the user to contribute to developing, rating, collaborating on and distributing Internet content and customising Internet applications. As the Internet is more embedded in peoples lives users draw on new Internet applications to express themselves through “user-created content” (UCC).

This study describes the rapid growth of UCC, its increasing role in worldwide communication and draws out implications for policy. Questions addressed include: What is user-created content? What are its key drivers, its scope and different forms? What are new value chains and business models? What are the extent and form of social, cultural and economic opportunities and impacts? What are associated challenges? Is there a government role and what form could it take?

La chaîne de valeur des contenus générés utilisateur

La chaîne de valeur des contenus générés utilisateur

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