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Les journalistes aiment beaucoup les blogues

Les journalistes aiment beaucoup les blogues! C’est ce qui ressort d’un sondage auprès de 4000 journalistes d’Amérique du Nord. Dans le document Reporters Survey on Journalism, Social Media, and the Blogosphere (PDF, via Blogwriteforceos et le communiqué de presse), on apprend que :

Blogs are a regular source for journalists. Over three quarters of reporters see blogs as helpful in giving them story ideas, story angles and insight into the tone of an issue.

Nearly 70 percent of all reporters check a blog list on a regular basis. Over one in five (20.9%) reporters said they spend over an hour per day reading blogs. And a total of nearly three in five (57.1%) reporters said they read blogs at least two to three times a week.

Journalists are increasingly active participants in the blogosphere. One in four reporters (27.7%) have their own blogs and nearly one in five (16.3%) have their own social networking page. About half of reporters (47.5%) say they are "lurkers" — reading blogs but rarely commenting.

The majority of journalists thought blogs were having a significant impact on news reporting in all areas tested EXCEPT in the area of news quality. The biggest impact has been in speed and availability of news. Over half said that blogs were having a significant impact

Alors, pour ceux qui croient encore que les blogues n’ont qu’un impact insignifiant en termes de marketing et de relations publiques pour une entreprise, il est peut-être temps de revoir vos positions?


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