Malgré la crise financière qui sévit aux E-U, le tourisme en ligne va continuer sa croissance et elle sera supérieure à celle du tourisme hors ligne. C’est en effet ce que rapporte PhocusWright et eMarketer dans son bulletin How Much Will Online Travel Slow?
Online travel bookings will total $98.2 billion in 2008, up just 9% over 2007, according to PhoCusWright. The company said that some online travel providers would fare better than others, with rail sales growing by 28%, while hotel bookings would rise only 8%.
If the numbers prove true, this will be the first year of mere single-digit growth for US online leisure/unmanaged business travel. However, online growth will still be twice as high as that of the total travel market.
PhoCusWright said that reasons for online’s continued success included consumer comfort with online purchasing, perception of the Web as having the lowest prices and supplier disincentives for booking through other channels. The company also said sales from leisure/unmanaged business travel sites will represent 36% of the total market in 2008, up from 34% in 2007.
Lorsqu’on sait que 54% des voyages vendus au Canada (Internet mode de communication directe avec la clientèle (PDF)) se font en ligne et que lors de mes conférences sur le sujet, les prestataires touristiques me disent investir 1% de leur budget marketing global, sur le Web, il me semble qu’il y a une perte d’opportunité incroyable. Et on ne parle même pas de ceux qui magasinent en ligne et achètent hors ligne….
Ping : La concurrence dans l’industrie du tourisme @Economie Numerique – Blogue du cours