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Second Life n’est pas un jeu

Dans CNN Money, un article intéressant sur le phénomène Second Life. Il semble donc que je ne suis pas le seul à voir en Second Life et dans son utilisation du 3D, le futur du Web. Ils disent même que c’est une mine d’or!

But what’s beginning to catch the attention of IBM and other huge corporations is something potentially far more profound than a new online pastime. It’s the ability to use Second Life as a platform for a whole new Net – this one in 3-D and even more social than the original – with huge opportunities to sell products and services.

The company’s backers include some of the world’s smartest, richest, and most successful tech entrepreneurs.

…The chairman and first big outside investor is Mitch Kapor, creator of Lotus 1-2-3, the spreadsheet application that helped begin the PC software revolution. Other investors include eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, Amazon (Charts) CEO Jeff Bezos, and Microsoft chief technology architect (and inventor of Lotus Notes) Ray Ozzie – each credited with a seminal networked product of our age.
They think Second Life may be next, and some respected tech pundits agree. Says Mark Anderson, author of the Strategic News Service newsletter: « In two years I think Second Life will be huge, probably as large as the entire gaming community is today. »
Says venture capitalist Jed Smith, an early investor who sits on Linden’s board: « We decided then to be a platform and not a game. » Not incidentally, that meant Linden – unlike the purveyors of popular online games such as World of Warcraft – wouldn’t have to spend any money creating its content.

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