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Glassdoor, le Web 2 à la rescousse des infos salariale

C’est via un twitt de Vanina qui pointe vers Techcrunch que je prends connaissance de l’existence de, cette startup qui dévoile les dessous salariaux des grandes entreprises TI et des dirigeants qui les mènent. Au moment d’écrire ces lignes, le site était indisponible, sans doute dû à l’effet Techcrunch (mais peut-être ont-ils le même hébergeur que Twitter?).

The idea behind Glassdoor  is simple: You tell me your salary, and I’ll tell you mine. (…) The site collects company reviews and real salaries from employees of large companies and displays them anonymously for all members to see. (The startup plans to make money from ads targeted at job seekers, premium services, and aggregated compensation data it wants to sell to HR professionals).
The idea is to collect as much detailed salary information and feedback for every job title at a company so that job seekers can know how to evaluate an offer, and current employees can see how they are doing relative to their peers. “When the annual compensation review comes,” says CEO Robert Hohman, “you need to know what your market value is.” Or you can just live vicariously through others.

Glassdoor, le Web 2 à la rescousse des infos salariale Lire la suite »

Twitter ou le microblogging

Des services web 2.0 qui sont inaccessibles

Dans un Twitt récent, je m’offusquais des problèmes d’accessibilités de Twitter, de Facebook ou même de blogger. C’est certainement un alignement exceptionnel des astres qui fait que tous ces services disparaissent du Web pour quelques minutes, voire quelques heures? Michael Arrington s’en inquiète aussi et questionne Twitter :

• Is it true that you only have a single master MySQL server running replication to two slaves, and the architecture doesn’t auto-switch to a hot backup when the master goes down?
• Do you really have a grand total of three physical database machines that are POWERING ALL OF TWITTER?
• Is it true that the only way you can keep Twitter alive is to have somebody sit there and watch it constantly, and then manually switch databases over and re-build when one of the slaves fail?
• Is that why most of your major outages can be traced to periods of time when former Chief Architect/server watcher Blaine Cook  wasn’t there to sit and monitor the system?
• Given the record-beating outages Twitter saw in May after Cook was dismissed, is anyone there capable of keeping Twitter live?
• How long will it be until you are able to undo the damage  Cook has caused to Twitter and the community?

Mais c’est probablement Geekandpoke qui a la réponse

Des services web 2.0 qui sont inaccessibles Lire la suite »


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