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Retour sur CaseCamp

Finalement, après la controverse dans les commentaires de ce blogue, ma prestation au dernier CaseCamp n’a pas été perçue comme un vil pitch de vente. La très gentille Francesca (que je ne connais pas) a eu la délicatesse de trouver ma présentation (pdf) agréable.

I especially enjoyed Michel Leblanc’s presentation on blogs. For the last year he has kept a blog on marketing and has seen his traffic hit 30,000 plus. He reflected on search engines and the ability to push your blog up on the list by using choice key words. Michel also gave his criteria for the success of a blog, and they were… Well, I guess you had to be there.

Voici d’ailleurs une photo de l’événement, gracieuseté d’Éric. De loin, je trouve que j’ai une shape d’athlète. Je devrais songer sérieusement à continuer de porter des chemises amples pour ce genre d’événement.

Michel Leblanc lors de CaseCamp

2 réflexions sur “Retour sur CaseCamp”

  1. What a great night we had at CaseCamp Montreal.

    A lot of CaseCamp Montreal’s success is because of your presentation.

    As expected, I knew your case study would be one of the more appreciated ones. There is always a misconception that when someone talks about a marketing program that was done for themselves that it could be misconstrued as pitching your wares. It was clear to me, from the moment we discussed it, that your was not, and that it would provide tremendous insights into using social media (more specifically Blogs) as a cost-effective way to drive traffic, build interest and establish oneself as a subject matter expert. You should be applauded for making all three objectives become the tremendous reality that they have.

    Were it not for your Blog, we would have never met. Great case study, great presentation and great to meet you.

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