François Aubin est l’un de mes bons amis et clients. Il n’aime vraiment pas le design de mon blogue et me le dis presque à chaque fois que nous discutons (et il a raison et je suis en train de remédier à ce problème). François est aussi l’un des plus réputés ergonomes canadiens et il a récemment mis en ligne le billet The 10 most common design mistakes on the Web (qu’il me dit avoir écrit entre autres en pensant à moi).
Les éléments qu’il décortique :
- Not understanding the nature of the Internet.
- Forcing users to guess what is clickable or not.
- Not understanding the interactive aspect of the Internet
- Too many design teams see web pages as a static entity. They have design meetings with color printouts of web pages laid out on a table. They get clients or management to sign off on a project with static pages. When people talk about a book, they don’t talk about the front page but rather about the story. Discussing interaction issues with static pages is like talking only about the front page of a book. Since interaction is dynamic, this process results in poor design decisions where too much emphasis is put on superficial aspects, such as the look. Never forget: user interaction with web site cannot be describe, written or verbalized, it can only be observe.
Ping : 10 conseils pour le design de sites web « Aline