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IndexCopernicus.com nomme Krzysztof Urbanowicz comme CEO

Le copain et fondateur de Yulbiz-Varsovie Krzysztof Urbanowicz, vient d’être nommé CEO de IndexCopernicus.com. Comme suite à cette annonce, New Connect, le NASDAQ Polonais, a enregistré une hausse du cours de l’action de la compagnie, de 38%. Comme quoi Krzysztof est déjà très bien perçu par les gestionnaires technos polonais. C’est une bonne nouvelle pour Krzysztof et pour le Yulbiz-Varsovie qui reprendra son cours plus positif que jamais. Félicitation Krzysztof…

Qu’est-ce qu’IndexCopernicus?

Index Copernicus is a Web-based Research Infrastructure, developed since 1999, which provides essential tools for scientists, research administrators and government agencies. Based on our US patent pending mathematical formulas, the Index Copernicus™ (IC) also provides an interactive and reliable scientists’ evaluation system. IC performs multi-parameter analysis of scientific output and research potential, both of individual scientist and research institutions. It is also the only worldwide uniformed fully operational, global web-based platform for scientists’ networking and collaboration, capable of determining the “value-for-money” effectiveness of existing or potential research teams. Using IC for project proposals evaluation, one can measure the real research potential of individual scientists, project leaders and a research team in real time. Particular scientists are assessed according to sixteen scientific activities, including, but not limited to: experience, innovation potential and research skills. The overall team score also takes into account a cumulative Administration Index score of team members.

IndexCopernicus.com nomme Krzysztof Urbanowicz comme CEO Lire la suite »