Revue de presse marketing/techno du 29 février au 11 mars et mes entrevues à CHOI RadioX

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Elon Musk ouvre un front judiciaire contre OpenAI

Les États-Unis s’inquiètent d’un projet d’arme nucléaire spatiale russe


L’intelligence artificielle aidera à réduire la taille de l’État, affirme Éric Caire = ça reste à prouver

La police aura désormais besoin d’un mandat pour obtenir l’adresse IP d’une personne

Via RT@fredcavazza

Le gran rival d’OpenAI (Anthropic) annonce la sortie de son nouveau chatbot, disponible en 3 versions, avec des performances supérieurs à ChatGPT et Gemini, ainsi qu’un taux d’erreur plus faible (moins d’affabulations).

Rival d’OpenAI | Anthropic dit avoir repoussé les limites de l’IA générative 

TikTok est de plus en plus populaire au Québec

Des compagnies de sécurité du Québec montrent la porte à un controversé fabricant chinois de caméras de surveillance

Google’s Culture of Fear – inside the DEI hivemind that led to gemini’s disaster  À LIRE pour comprendre le fuck-up de Google

Faire parler son enfant mort grâce à l’IA = sérieux dérapage selon moi

OpenAI and Elon Musk
We are dedicated to the OpenAI mission and have pursued it every step of the way.

Entrevue avec Nicolas Vermeys, coauteur de Responsabilité. AI | L’intelligence artificielle, cet « objet juridique non identifié »

Un groupe d’élus veut faire voter une loi pour interdire TikTok

Ces biais qui contaminent les intelligences artificielles

Via RT@PirateWires
BREAKING: Stability AI Employees Banned From Midjourney

According to a source at the company with firsthand knowledge, servers at Midjourney were aggressively hit at 12 AM this Saturday by accounts linked to data collection engineers at Stability AI scraping prompts and images, leading to a 24-hour server outage.

The account was first flagged by Midjourney engineers late Saturday, when they noticed it was aggressively “trying to get all the prompts and images for every member inside the website.” These requests overwhelmed the company’s servers and took down part of its database for 24 hours. Upon banning the account and investigating further, Midjourney employees discovered it “was linked by two credit cards to one of the main data collection engineers on the Stable Diffusion team.”

In response, the company has decided to ban all employees of Stability AI from using its software until further notice.

Un ingénieur de Microsoft sonne l’alarme sur la sécurité de son générateur d’images 

Ils ont ajouté de l’IA à un drone et de la reconnaissance faciale et ont ainsi prouvé qu’il était possible de faire un drone tueur qui chasserait des cibles (c’était d’abord dans un contexte de gaming)
we built an AI-controlled homing/killer drone — full video

La politisation de l’IA est inévitable

Understanding Generative Engine Optimization (GEO): A New Era for SEO

Pourquoi les médecins se méfient de l’IA via

Via RT@AISafetyMemes

“Godfather of AI” Geoffrey Hinton now thinks there is a 1 in 10 chance everyone will be dead from AI in 5-20 years

Weeks ago, we learned that Yoshua Bengio, another Turing Award winner, thinks there’s a 1 in 5 chance we all die.

Hinton is worried about AI hive minds: “Hinton realised that increasingly powerful AI models could act as “hive minds”, sharing what they learnt with each other, giving them a huge advantage over humans.”

“OpenAI’s latest model GPT-4 can learn language and exhibit empathy, reasoning and sarcasm.”

“I am making a very strong claim that these models do understand,” he said in his lecture.

He predicts that the models might also “evolve” in dangerous ways, developing an intentionality to control. “If I were advising governments, I would say that there’s a 10% chance these things will wipe out humanity in the next 20 years. I think that would be a reasonable number,” he says.

“He was encouraged that the UK hosted an AI safety summit at Bletchley Park last year, stimulating an international policy debate. But since then, he says, the British government “has basically decided that profits come before safety”.

“He says he is heartened that a younger generation of computer scientists is taking existential risk seriously and suggests that 30% of AI researchers should be devoted to safety issues, compared with about 1% today.”

“We humans should make our best efforts to stay around.”

l’IA remplace 700 employés au service client:

Voyages virtuels | Tout un monde à découvrir… virtuellement

Comme pour Internet, l’IA va aussi se CRÉER DES JOBS!

Hier soir c’était le 20e anniversaire de Tout le monde en parle. J’y étais il y a maintenant 15 ans et ça avait fessé fort…

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