Pour ma dixième chronique à l’émission LeLab, je discute avec Philippe Fehmiu de : La réalité augmentée. La voici donc :
Capsule sur La réalité augmentée
Qu’est-ce que la réalité augmentée sur Wikipedia ?
La notion de réalité augmentée désigne les systèmes (au sens informatique) qui rendent possible la superposition d’un modèle virtuel 3D ou 2D à la perception que nous avons naturellement de la réalité et ceci en temps réel. Ce système peut aussi bien s’appliquer à la perception visuelle (superposition d’images virtuelles aux images réelles) qu’aux perceptions proprioceptives comme les perceptions tactiles ou auditives.
Le concept de réalité augmentée vise donc à compléter notre perception du monde réel, en y ajoutant des éléments fictifs, non perceptibles naturellement. La réalité augmentée désigne donc les différentes méthodes qui permettent d’incruster de façon réaliste des objets virtuels dans une séquence d’images. Ses applications sont multiples et touchent de plus en plus de domaines : jeux vidéo et edutainment, cinéma et télévision (post-production, studios virtuels, retransmissions sportives…), industries (conception, design, maintenance, assemblage, pilotage, robotique et télérobotique, implantation, étude d’impact…), médical, etc.
et dans le Wikipedia anglo on ajoute :
Display techniques
There are three major display techniques for Augmented Reality:I. Head Mounted Displays
II. Handheld Displays
III. Spatial Displays.Head Mounted Displays
A Head Mounted Display (HMD) places images of both the physical world and registered virtual graphical objects over the user’s view of the world. The HMD’s are either optical see-through or video see-through in nature. An optical see-through display employs half-silver mirror technology to allow views of physical world to pass through the lens and graphical overlay information to be reflected into the user’s eyes. The HMD must be tracked with a six degree of freedom sensor. This tracking allows for the computing system to register the virtual information to the physical world. The main advantage of HMD AR is the immersive experience for the user. The graphical information is slaved to the view of the user.
Handheld Displays
Handheld Augment Reality employs a small computing device with a display that fits in a user’s hand. All handheld AR solutions to date have employed video see-through techniques to overlay the graphical information to the physical world. Initially handheld AR employed sensors such as digital compasses and GPS units for its six degree of freedom tracking sensors. This moved onto the use of fiducial marker systems such as the ARToolKit for tracking. Today vision systems such as SLAM or PTAM are being employed for tracking. Handheld display AR promises to be the first commercial success for AR technologies. The two main advantages of handheld AR is the portable nature of handheld devices and ubiquitous nature of camera phones.
Spatial Displays
Instead of the user wearing or carrying the display such as with head mounted displays or handheld devices; Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) makes use of digital projectors to display graphical information onto physical objects. The key difference in SAR is that the display is separated from the users of the system. Because the displays are not associated with each user, SAR scales naturally up to groups of users, thus allowing for collocated collaboration between users. SAR has several advantages over traditional head mounted displays and handheld devices. The user is not required to carry equipment or wear the display over their eyes. This makes spatial AR a good candidate for collaborative work, as the users can see each other’s faces. A system can be used by multiple people at the same time without each having to wear a head mounted display. Spatial AR does not suffer from the limited display resolution of current head mounted displays and portable devices. A projector based display system can simply incorporate more projectors to expand the display area. Where portable devices have a small window into the world for drawing, a SAR system can display on any number of surfaces of an indoor setting at once. The tangible nature of SAR makes this an ideal technology to support design, as SAR supports both a graphical visualisation and passive haptic sensation for the end users. People are able to touch physical objects, and it is this process that provides the passive haptic sensation
La reconnaissance faciale en Grande-Bretagne, dans le Wikipedia anglo
Merci pour ce merveilleux article